24 results
Ymgynghori ar y Cynigion ar gyfer Lefi CITB
Gall eich barn wneud gwahaniaeth; rydym am glywed gennych! PROSES YMGYNGHORI Mae rhwymedigaeth statudol ar CITB, sef Bwrdd Hyfforddi’r Diwydiant Adeiladu, i ymgynghori â chyflogwyr yn y diwydiant adeiladu ar y cynigion ar gyfer Lefi CITB yn 2021-23. Yn ddiweddarach eleni, byddwn yn cadarnhau ein cynlluniau a gofyn a ydych yn cefnogi’r cynigion terfynol ar gyfer y Lefi (Consensws). Nawr yw’ch cyfle i roi adborth ar y cynigion ar gyfer y Lefi a dweud wrthym a ydym yn ei... MoreClosed 17 May 2020 -
Fire Safety Standard Consultation
This consultation aims to gather the views of the wider construction sector on the proposed content and implementation approach for the Basic Fire Safety Training Standard. This consultation is focused on the construction part of the sector but similar consultations will be taking place in Building Services. Background to the development of the Fire Safety Training Standard The recently published report ‘Setting the Bar – A New Competence Regime for Building a Safer Future’ ... MoreClosed 8 January 2021 -
TEST VERSION CITB Levy 2022-25 Consultation
Your views can make a difference; we want to hear from you! CITB adopts best practice by consulting with construction employers on the proposals for the CITB Levy. Now is your opportunity to give your feedback on the Levy Proposals for the next three years as well as ten areas we’ve identified with the greatest need for enhanced employer support in developing skills. This consultation is in respect of the 2022 Levy Order for the Levy Proposals 2022-25. Once a Levy Order is... MoreClosed 23 February 2021 -
Opsiynau ar gyfer datblygu Fframwaith Newydd ar gyfer Prentisiaethau yng Nghymru
Mae CITB wedi cytuno â Llywodraeth Cymru i weithredu fel datblygydd fframweithiau/llwybrau prentisiaethau’r diwydiant adeiladu. Mae hyn yn golygu mai CITB fydd y partner datblygu ar gyfer prentisiaethau sydd wedi’u cyllido’n gyhoeddus yng Nghymru. Fel partner datblygu, mae’n rhaid i CITB sicrhau bod gofynion Pennu Safonau Prentisiaethau i Gymru’n cael eu bodloni a gwneud ei orau glas i fodloni gofynion wrth ddatblygu ac adolygu unrhyw lwybr prentisiaeth... MoreClosed 11 March 2021 -
Options for development of New Construction Apprenticeship Frameworks in Wales
CITB have agreed with Welsh Government to act as the Apprenticeship Framework/Pathway Developer for Construction. This means that CITB will act as the development partner for publicly funded Apprenticeships in Wales. As part of this role of Development Partner, CITB must ensure that Specification of Apprenticeship Standard for Wales (SASW) requirements are met; and make best endeavors to meet requirements when developing and reviewing a Welsh Apprenticeship Pathway. ... MoreClosed 11 March 2021 -
CITB Levy 2022-25 Consultation
In March this year, as part of the Consensus 2021 process, all Levy registered employers were invited to take part in Consultation on the Levy Proposals. Consultation ran, as planned, from 1 March- 11 April 2021. The Consultation Report (PDF, 440KB) shares the findings. MoreClosed 11 April 2021 -
Welsh CITB Levy 2022-25 Consultation
Gall eich sylwadau wneud gwahaniaeth; rydym am glywed gennych! Mae CITB yn mabwysiadu’r ymarfer gorau drwy ymgynghori â chyflogwyr adeiladu ynglŷn â’r cynigion ar gyfer Lefi CITB. Nawr yw eich cyfle fel cyflogwr sydd wedi cofrestru â CITB i roi eich adborth ar Gynigion y Lefi ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf yn ogystal â’r deg maes rydym wedi’u nodi sydd â’r angen mwyaf am ragor o gymorth i gyflogwyr ddatblygu sgiliau. Mae’r ymgynghoriad hwn yng... MoreClosed 11 April 2021 -
Adolygiad Hyfforddiant Cyfnod Byr Peiriannau
Pam bod CITB yn adolygu Safonau a Grantiau Hyfforddiant Cyfnod Byr Peiriannau? Yn 2018, cyflwynodd CITB y Model Hyfforddiant sy’n cynnwys safonau hyfforddiant cyfnod byr, ynghyd â’r Cyfeirlyfr Hyfforddiant Adeiladu a’r Gofrestr Hyfforddiant. Rhan o’n gweledigaeth ar gyfer y Model Hyfforddiant yw bod pob hyfforddiant cyfnod byr â chymorth grant yn cael ei ddarparu i safonau y cytunwyd arnynt, sydd wedi cael eu datblygu gyda diwydiant. Ein dull yw dysgu o'r hyn sy’n bodoli... MoreClosed 26 November 2021 -
Plant Short Duration Training Review
Why are CITB reviewing Plant Short Duration Training Standards and Grants? In 2018, CITB introduced the Training Model which is made up of short duration training standards, together with the Construction Training Directory and Training Register. Part of our vision for the Training Model is that all grant aided short duration training is delivered to agreed standards which have been developed with industry. Our approach is to learn from what already exists and create training... MoreClosed 26 November 2021 -
Future Construction Apprenticeship Frameworks Wales
As part of the apprenticeship development process CITB works closely with Welsh Government. As part of the process we consulted on a future apprenticeship paper agreed by the steering committee on the 27th October 2021. This consultation asked for comment or agreement on a position paper from stakeholders and employers. You can read the Future Construction Apprenticeship Framework Wales (PDF, 197MB) , the consultation survey has now closed. MoreClosed 14 December 2021 -
Fframweithiau Prentisiaeth Adeiladu yn y Dyfodol Cymru
Fel rhan o’r broses datblygu prentisiaeth, mae CITB yn gweithio’n agos gyda Llywodraeth Cymru. Fel rhan o’r broses, mae angen i ni ymgynghori ar bapur prentisiaeth y dyfodol, y mae’r pwyllgor llywio wedi cytuno arno ar 27 Hydref. Mae’r ymgynghoriad hwn yn gofyn am eich sylwadau neu gytundeb ar bapur gan randdeiliaid a chyflogwyr. Darllenwch Fframweithiau Prentisiaeth Adeiladu yn y Dyfodol Cymru (PDF, 299KB) , a chwblhewch yr arolwg ar-lein i roi eich barn. MoreClosed 14 December 2021 -
Cwestiynau Ymgynghoriad Cyhoeddus Llwybr(au) Fframwaith Prentisiaethau Llywodraeth Cymru
Ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru, mae CITB yn cynnal ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus pedwar diwrnod ar ddeg ar y broses o roi ystod o Lwybrau Fframwaith Prentisiaethau Adeiladu ar Lefel 3 FfCChC i Gymru ar waith. Rydym yn gwahodd adborth ar y drafftiau diwygiedig o'r Llwybrau Fframwaith a byddai gennym ddiddordeb clywed gan brentisiaid, cyflogwyr, darparwyr hyfforddiant, cyrff dyfarnu, aseswyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill yng Nghymru i sicrhau bod y Llwybrau Fframwaith diwygiedig yn addas at y diben. ... MoreClosed 3 March 2022 -
Welsh Government Apprenticeship Framework Pathways Consultation
On behalf of Welsh Government, CITB is undertaking a fourteen-day public consultation on the implementation of a range of Construction Apprenticeship Framework Pathways at CQFW Level 3 for Wales. We are inviting feedback on the revised drafts of the Framework Pathways and would be interested to hear from apprentices, employers, training providers, awarding bodies, assessors and other stakeholders in Wales to ensure the revised Framework Pathways are fit for purpose. This... MoreClosed 4 March 2022 -
Consultation on Retrofit Pathway within Construction Site Management and Construction Site Supervision Modern Apprenticeship frameworks in Scotland
Proposed addition to the Modern Apprenticeship frameworks: Construction Site Management – Retrofit pathway at SCQF Level 10 Construction Site Supervision – Retrofit pathway at SCQF Level 7 Rationale Scotland has responded to the climate emergency with a legally binding target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2045. Significant in this equation is that all construction and buildings have a substantial carbon footprint which is created from... MoreClosed 29 April 2022 -
Construction Site Management Modern Apprenticeship increase from SCQF Level 9 to SCQF Level 10
Background Construction Site Management currently sits in a Modern Apprenticeship Framework at SCQF Level 9. As a result of a recent NOS review the underlying SVQ has increased to SCQF Level 10. The following document details the process undertaken as part of the review, a brief understanding of the changes, and the rationale to continue with Construction Site Management as part of a Modern Apprenticeship. This will require a new Professional Apprenticeship... MoreClosed 20 May 2022 -
Welsh Government Apprenticeship Framework Pathway Consultation June 2022
On behalf of Welsh Government, CITB is undertaking a fourteen-day public consultation on the implementation of a Construction Apprenticeship Framework Pathway at CQFW Level 3 for Wales. We are inviting feedback on the revised draft of the Plant Operations Framework and would be interested to hear from apprentices, employers, training providers, awarding bodies, assessors and other stakeholders in Wales to ensure this revised Framework Pathway is fit for purpose. This consultation... MoreClosed 14 June 2022 -
Cwestiynau Ymgynghoriad Cyhoeddus Llwybr Fframwaith Prentisiaethau Llywodraeth Cymru Mehefin 2022
Ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru, mae CITB yn cynnal ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus pedwar diwrnod ar ddeg ar y broses o roi Llwybr Fframwaith Prentisiaethau Adeiladu ar Lefel 3 FfCChC i Gymru ar waith. Rydym yn gwahodd adborth ar y drafft diwygiedig o'r Llwybr Fframwaith ar gyfer Gweithrediadau Peiriannau a byddai gennym ddiddordeb clywed gan brentisiaid, cyflogwyr, darparwyr hyfforddiant, cyrff dyfarnu, aseswyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill yng Nghymru i sicrhau bod y Llwybr Fframwaith... MoreClosed 14 June 2022 -
Construction Contracting Operations Management Modern Apprenticeship increase from SCQF Level 9 to SCQF Level 10
Background Construction Contracting Operations Management currently sits in a Modern Apprenticeship Framework at SCQF Level 9. As a result of a recent NOS review the underlying SVQ has increased to SCQF Level 10. The following document details the process undertaken as part of the review, a brief understanding of the changes, and the rationale to continue with Construction Contracting Operations Management as part of a Modern Apprenticeship. This will... MoreClosed 26 May 2023 -
Degree apprenticeships in Construction Professions in Wales
CITB has been leading work on behalf of Welsh Government to develop and offer Degree apprenticeships in Construction Professions in Wales. Thanks to a partnership between Welsh Government, Hefcw, the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and three Welsh universities, the first cohort of students should be starting their apprenticeships and degree courses as early as September 2024. University of South Wales (USW), University of Wales Trinity St Davids, Wrexham... MoreClosed 30 September 2023 -
Ymgynghoriad Gradd Prentisiaethau Adeiladu Cymru
Mae CITB wedi bod yn arwain gwaith ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu a chynnig prentisiaethau gradd mewn Proffesiynau Adeiladu yng Nghymru. Diolch i bartneriaeth rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru, HEFCW, Bwrdd Hyfforddi’r Diwydiant Adeiladu (CITB) a thri prifysgol yng Nghymru, dylai’r garfan gyntaf o fyfyrwyr fod yn dechrau ar eu prentisiaethau a’u cyrsiau gradd mor gynnar â mis Medi 2024. Mae Prifysgol De Cymru (USW), Prifysgol Cymru - y Drindod Dewi Sant a Prifysgol... MoreClosed 30 September 2023 -
Ymgynghoriad Gradd Prentisiaethau Adeiladu Cymru
Mae CITB wedi bod yn arwain gwaith ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu a chynnig prentisiaethau gradd mewn Proffesiynau Adeiladu yng Nghymru. Diolch i bartneriaeth rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru, HEFCW, Bwrdd Hyfforddi’r Diwydiant Adeiladu (CITB) a thri prifysgol yng Nghymru, dylai’r garfan gyntaf o fyfyrwyr fod yn dechrau ar eu prentisiaethau a’u cyrsiau gradd mor gynnar â mis Medi 2024. O’r 9 Prifysgol yng Nghymru mae Prifysgol De Cymru (USW), Prifysgol... MoreClosed 13 June 2024 -
Degree apprenticeships in Construction Professions in Wales - Consultation
CITB has been leading work on behalf of Welsh Government to develop and offer Degree apprenticeships in Construction Professions in Wales. Thanks to a partnership between Welsh Government, Hefcw, the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and three Welsh universities, the first cohort of students should be starting their apprenticeships and degree courses as early as September 2024. Of the 9 universities in Wales, the University of South Wales (USW), the... MoreClosed 13 June 2024 -
Ymgynghoriad Lefi CITB 2026-29
Gall eich barn wneud gwahaniaeth; hoffem glywed oddi wrthych! Mae CITB yn mabwysiadu arfer gorau trwy ymgynghori â chyflogwyr adeiladu ar y cynigion ar gyfer Lefi CITB. Nawr yw eich cyfle i roi eich adborth ar y Cynigion Lefi ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf. Mae'r ymgynghoriad hwn mewn perthynas â Gorchymyn Lefi tair blynedd 2026 ar gyfer Cynigion Lefi 2026-29. Unwaith y bydd Gorchymyn Lefi yn cael ei gymeradwyo gan y Senedd, mae hyn yn galluogi CITB i gyhoeddi Asesiadau Lefi ar... MoreClosed 24 October 2024 -
CITB Levy 2026-29 Consultation
Your views can make a difference; we want to hear from you! CITB adopts best practice by consulting with construction employers on the proposals for the CITB Levy. Now is your opportunity to give your feedback on the Levy Proposals for the next three years This consultation is in respect of the 2026 three-year Levy Order for the Levy Proposals 2026-29. Once a Levy Order is approved by Parliament, this enables CITB to issue Levy Assessments for the period of the... MoreClosed 24 October 2024
24 results.
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