Welsh Government Apprenticeship Framework Pathways Consultation
On behalf of Welsh Government, CITB is undertaking a fourteen-day public consultation on the implementation of a range of Construction Apprenticeship Framework Pathways at CQFW Level 3 for Wales.
We are inviting feedback on the revised drafts of the Framework Pathways and would be interested to hear from apprentices, employers, training providers, awarding bodies, assessors and other stakeholders in Wales to ensure the revised Framework Pathways are fit for purpose.
This consultation document includes a few key questions. Please provide reasons alongside your answers where possible.
We invite you to comment on the Framework Pathway most relevant to you.
This should take about 15 minutes to complete.
If you wish to respond on more than one Framework Pathway, then please complete a separate consultation document for each.
Apprenticeship Framework Pathways
What happens next
The data in this consultation will be collated by CITB and shared with Welsh Government and the Construction Apprenticeship Advisory Group to provide an evidence based internal report.
The report will highlight the any suggested changes in the Framework Pathway(s), to ensure that the New Framework Pathways are fit for purpose. Suggestion will be considered by a sub group of the Construction Apprenticeship Advisory Group for inclusion in the final pathway documents.
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